They're not a guitar band, but what do you guys think of "Garbage". I've always liked that techno-industrial sound.
They're not a guitar band, but what do you guys think of "Garbage". I've always liked that techno-industrial sound.
# 1

I really the stuff they did before their second album, like Stupid Girl, #1 Crush, and others which I now forget. I found their second album a real disappointment, a little too mainstream and poppy. I haven't heard anything from the new album yet, but I've heard it follows the same path as the second album.
excuse me, but i must kiss the sky
# 2

# 3
So one for, and one against.
Chris, LOL. You have to wonder why they chose that name. Surely they knew that it would be used against them.
# 4

I really haven't heard enough of their music to form an opinion, I just couldn't help myself with the pun. Your right, it's not a good name for a band.
# 5

"i think i'm paraniod" is probably my favurite song... I'm quite keen mixing your good ol' electric with some more industrail or even hip hop beats... I'm a big fan of experimenting...
# 6

I was a huge fan of the first two albums, but i have to say that the new one is pants. Poppy crap. And i dont like shirley's new hairdo, either...
Work hard...Play hard...Break a string...:mad:
Actions speak louder than words...
And my actions speak louder than yours :D
Actions speak louder than words...
And my actions speak louder than yours :D
# 7

I went away and thought about this... If you would like something that's got more... well.. umph to it, listen to primal screams album "exterminator" (never mind the cheesy name)... just download something like "kill all hippies" from aduiogalaxy, bearshare etc... Just listen to those bass lines... killer, man :)
I'm not too sure about garbage now, they sound poppy, but it doesn't work for them, some band sound ok when they go a bit poppy (like pavement), but some other dont..
I'm not too sure about garbage now, they sound poppy, but it doesn't work for them, some band sound ok when they go a bit poppy (like pavement), but some other dont..
# 8
Yeah, the new album isn't that great, and Shirley's new hairdo is terrible.
What ever happened to the bad girl image?

What ever happened to the bad girl image?

# 9

# 10

# 11

unfortunately yes.
So what were you gonna say there Mr. Moderator
Hey Christoph, pretty falic picture there...
So what were you gonna say there Mr. Moderator
Hey Christoph, pretty falic picture there...
# 12

# 13
Phallic? That was actually the least phallic pic I could find.
I think all these days of debating Ed are rotting my brain . . .
# 14

# 15