tell me how it burns within
in a seaside town
where noone's around
i find thee
down st. kilda road it's grim at night
where people places all begin
pretty people passin through
a lacklustre you, when
i found thee
egg shaped sunnies bring
sparks to my eyes
ding dong goes the tramlines
where suited men and women
they both love and smite
what happened to the old you
now get a job you silly man
beg no more , no more again
now curse the busker
he sings far too merrily
i found thee
the golden people walk away
their separate paths
it makes me mad
oh why oh why did
i find thee
just jotted these down..its gonna be sung in blues fashion i think..just gotta find a riff tomorrow
let me know what u guys think
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]