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High on Strat
Joined: 12/31/06
Posts: 71
High on Strat
Joined: 12/31/06
Posts: 71
04/26/2007 8:49 pm
Sir, I swore an oath to defend the Constitution and the people of this country with my life if need be, but I personally happen to value my life a little more than that.

I fully support our troops. My son is a Marine. I don't not support the fact of taking care of other countries civil wars, when again, we have problems in our own back yard and our own soil to defend. I'm sick and tired of our country taking care of everyone elses' problems. We can't even take care of our own school systems yet we can spend billions on a war for what......???. And I fully disagree with your statement about our economy. We are in an all time low. Unemployment, poverty, the american dollar is with **** right now. Take a look a little deeper then what the republicans want you to see. We are hurting in a bad way my friend, and sad to say it's just gone really down hill in the last 6yrs. This is the point I'm trying to make. I could really care less if we were in Afganistan in a few weeks, we didn't wage war for almost 3 yrs. As for training, if our military wasn't spread so thin because of...again, taking care of others problems, we would have had trained troops and supplies to eliminate this problem quickly. We have 1/4 of the troops in iraq now then we did in Vietnam. Hell, we can't even supply our troops with the supplies they need to do the job now, yet we spend billions on this war. Something is dead wrong with this whole picture.