Well as many have read MAVERIC777 and I have been working on Fretless Cigar Box Slide Guitars. Well I got mine working. It still needs a few things and I need to learn how to play slide lol but here is my first test of the beast. Recorded through my pod.
Cigar Box Guitar Test
Cigar Box Guitar Testing

# 1

I'm amazed at how good a tone it has - I was expecting it to sound a bit trebly and thin but it's really rich! Way to go!
How have you got it tuned?
How have you got it tuned?
Can you play "Far Far Away?"
Yes - how far would you like?
Yes - how far would you like?
# 2

Very nice. What kind of pickup?..was that one of the homemade ones? Have you played slide before because that was real good!
# 3

Thanks for checking it out guys. I have it tuned to an "A" chord. A,E,A. I used Ernie Ball Super Slinky strings. The gauges on the guitar are 42, 32, 24. I used the heaviest of the strings in the set to try and give it a better bass sound and less of the trebly sound these usually have. It's still trebly but the pod helps that. The pickup is a Radio Shack Piezo Transducer part # 273-073A crazy glued to the lid and wired straight to the plug. I didn't put holes in my cigar box either. I figured this might give it more bass since my cigar box is on the small side and if I wanted I could add them later.
FingerSpasm I'm glad you liked the playing but I was just bangin on the thing trying to put notes together that sounded like they belonged because I have no clue how to play slide. I never played a fretless guitar either so that takes some getting use to.
FingerSpasm I'm glad you liked the playing but I was just bangin on the thing trying to put notes together that sounded like they belonged because I have no clue how to play slide. I never played a fretless guitar either so that takes some getting use to.
# 4