I just had my guitar setup (thanks to aschelman for the suggestion of the place there isn;t hardly a decent place around the west suburbs anymore) and anyway since the seasons are changing and I went from Chicago to Cincinnati which is significantly warmer I believe that it needs some slight tweaking. The guy who did the setup said it probably would and even said if I brought it back in he'd do it for free, but I am several hundred miles away now and thats not really an option.
The problem I am having is with the high e and the b strings, they are all twangy and feel like they are being obstructed by the frets. I looked down the neck from above and it is obviously twisted upwards on that side of the neck. Well I don;t know if it should or shouldn;t be, or maybe just not as much as it is, but I was wondering how dangerous it would be for me to adjust it with a little knowledge gained from people here who know what they're talking about.
So if it isn;t too hard, which I can;t see why it would be to adjust the thing then it wuld be great to hear from some people on how I should do it, what to look out for and just generally things I should now so i don't break the damn thing.
ESP LTD MH400, Floyd Rose, 10 gauge strings tuned to Eb (wouldn't mind tuning them back up actually but action was kinda high)
Thanks for any help I get.