Here are some tunings that i like to use (jarvis may have pointed some of these out alreadly)
From the thinest to thickest string (righty strung, that way there's no confusion)
1) D B G B G D
2) D A F#D A D
3) D A G F A D
4) D C G D G D
5) E B G D A E
6) D B G D A E
7) E C# A C# A E
8) D B G D B G
9) E C F C G C
I'm assuming you know how to tune to these notes, you just want to know different tunings.
Some of these sound really cool, the problem is you'll find you'r self doing through alot of strings :(....
I'd recommend you learn about scales, and how you make chords from them (if you dont already know), that way you can make up your own tunings...
I hope this helps, if it doesnt go too well staight away try it again cos i think that slide is a fantasic part of playing guitar which isn't really lokked at much in anything out side counrty.
it sounds really cool with a swell pedal and a delay pedal :D. oh yeah with wah as well...
Have fun.