String ease

Anyone ever use string ease. That stuff you spray on your strings and fretboard? If so whats your experience with it? I seen a guy in a local band using it and it aroused my curiosity.
# 1
I tried it once years ago when I first started playing. ... didn't like the greasy feel of it & didn't like spending so much money though.
I found that I only needed it because the guitar was relatively new and hadn't had a chance to get broken in yet.
I found that I only needed it because the guitar was relatively new and hadn't had a chance to get broken in yet.
# 2

I have a bottle of Finger Ease... I use it every once in a great while... Not consistantly though. It just makes the strings and the neck feel a bit lubricated without making it feel greasy. It's not expensive just grab a bottle and try it out.
# 3
I used Fast Fret before, but as Schmange said, its only really necessary if your guitar is newer or you don't play often enough to keep it slick. Once you get your natural finger oils on the neck, its better than anything you'd ever buy. I don't think I'd like something thats sprayed on though, seems it would get all over or too concentrated in some spots, an overly oiled neck would not be cool.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 4

Originally Posted by: elklandercc I don't think I'd like something thats sprayed on though, seems it would get all over or too concentrated in some spots, an overly oiled neck would not be cool.
What you do with the spray on stuff is spray it on... then wipe a rag across the spots that you applied it. The rag picks up the excess so you're left with a very very fine layer of lubrication. It's not too bad at all and it actually smells okay.
# 5
I use finger ease and I love it. I spray it on the back of the neck and let it sit for about 10 seconds and then polish it off. For the fretboard, I spray a thin layer on and leave it. I like how smooth it leaves the strings... especially on my acoustics.
# 6
I use fast fret now and again... it's brilliant when you first put it on, although slides are a little difficult to control... :D
I only use it when I remember I've got it... give it a try man... why not?
I only use it when I remember I've got it... give it a try man... why not?
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# 7

# 8

I don't like to use it because it's the oils that get into the grooves on the strings that cause strings to loose their brilliancy. I figure the more stuff you put on the strings the sooner the grooves in the windings will fill up with gunk and the strings will wear out sooner.
Favorite quote.....GET OUT THE BEANS!
# 9

Originally Posted by: 40ftsmurfI don't like to use it because it's the oils that get into the grooves on the strings that cause strings to loose their brilliancy. I figure the more stuff you put on the strings the sooner the grooves in the windings will fill up with gunk and the strings will wear out sooner.
Eh, a large part of string aging is the oxidation process... Which is accelerated by acidic oils from your fingers... By keeping a thin layer of neutral oil on the strings such as Fast Fret and Finger Ease it actually acts as a barrier between these oils and the strings... It makes the strings easier to clean as well... Wipe the guitar down after you play and it removes most of the bad oils and gunk where as when you just wipe the guitar down with a rag some of the oils will stick to the guitar... The string lube acts kind fo like a carrier for the dirt at this stage... where the oils will cling to the string lube rather than the string itself... Then when you wipe away the string lube the bad oils will go with it... It's suppose to prolong string life this way. That's what the manufacturers say. I haven't used it consistantly enought to prove this right or wrong though.
Besides, I'm lazy... if I were that worried about it I'd just buy Elixer strings which do about the same thing by having a thin layer over the string to protect them.
# 10