How do you sweep pick?

I have been wanting to know this for a long time now. I need help on how to to this so if someone could reply or talk to me some how that would be great. Thx
# 1

Now don't take this for granted, because I'm not "exactly" sure. But I think sweep picking is basically just struming different notes on each string, one string at a time. from the low "E" string to the high "E" string (maybe with a pattern), or vice versa.
But as I said before...I'm not exactly sure. Are there any other names for it you can think of besides "sweep picking"?
I may be able to help you a bit better if I knew exactly what it was. (Though sweep picking may be it's technical name, I probably know it as something else).
I hope this helps, & good luck.
But as I said before...I'm not exactly sure. Are there any other names for it you can think of besides "sweep picking"?
I may be able to help you a bit better if I knew exactly what it was. (Though sweep picking may be it's technical name, I probably know it as something else).
I hope this helps, & good luck.
# 2

Sweep picking, or 'economy' picking, is basically picking as many notes in as little movement possible.
-Arpeggios(chords, but each note played seperately)
what you do here, is pick each note individually, making each note sound seperately, though, all in one fluent motion. If you go from low the high, to fown-pick each note in one motion, if you go from high to low, you up-pick each note in one fluent motion
(look for some arpeggio exercises somewhere, shouldn't be hard to find)
-3 notes per string scales
okay, lets say you play a 3 notes per string scale, starting on the low string, going up. The way you pick, when using economy picking, would be : down - up - down (move on to the next string, while staying in the motion of that last down-stroke) down -up - down - down - up - down - down ...
I hope this makes sense, if it doesn't, anyone feel free to correct or improve this attempt. ;)
Greetz, TK
-Arpeggios(chords, but each note played seperately)
what you do here, is pick each note individually, making each note sound seperately, though, all in one fluent motion. If you go from low the high, to fown-pick each note in one motion, if you go from high to low, you up-pick each note in one fluent motion
(look for some arpeggio exercises somewhere, shouldn't be hard to find)
-3 notes per string scales
okay, lets say you play a 3 notes per string scale, starting on the low string, going up. The way you pick, when using economy picking, would be : down - up - down (move on to the next string, while staying in the motion of that last down-stroke) down -up - down - down - up - down - down ...
I hope this makes sense, if it doesn't, anyone feel free to correct or improve this attempt. ;)
Greetz, TK
# 3

Lifting your finger's off the note's useing a Rolling,
Technique with your left hand is also important,
when doing sweep picking.
Technique with your left hand is also important,
when doing sweep picking.
yours truly Mark Toman
# 4

i realize how to sweep pick
and can visualize it...
i guess i just need to practice,practice,practice...
i'm having problem sliding form one chord shape
to the next chord shape and making the notes ring out individually....i'm making muddled notes..
some ring out..some sound dead..etc.
wish me luck
and can visualize it...
i guess i just need to practice,practice,practice...
i'm having problem sliding form one chord shape
to the next chord shape and making the notes ring out individually....i'm making muddled notes..
some ring out..some sound dead..etc.
wish me luck
# 5

Go slow there's no hurry you will get it.
You might break the part's down and use less notes,
plus really check your left hand out by going real,
slow to see whats causing your problem .
I know its hard to slow sweep picking down.
You all-so might have to change your left hand,
fingering .(Experiment)
P:S For starting out doing sweep picking for beginner,
guitarests i recemend only useing a 3 note minor chord,
A minor at the 12th fret using first finger=1 on the,
12th fret 1st string,second finger=2 on the 13th,
fret B string,third finger=3 on the 14th fret G string .
[Edited by skee1 on 09-29-2001 at 11:43 AM]
Go slow there's no hurry you will get it.
You might break the part's down and use less notes,
plus really check your left hand out by going real,
slow to see whats causing your problem .
I know its hard to slow sweep picking down.
You all-so might have to change your left hand,
fingering .(Experiment)
P:S For starting out doing sweep picking for beginner,
guitarests i recemend only useing a 3 note minor chord,
A minor at the 12th fret using first finger=1 on the,
12th fret 1st string,second finger=2 on the 13th,
fret B string,third finger=3 on the 14th fret G string .
[Edited by skee1 on 09-29-2001 at 11:43 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 6

Before you start playing sweep picking consider this:
1) Your palms position (For comfort, mute strings ...)
2) Your plectrum (make sure it is comfortable for you to do sweep picking)
And like other people say, practise makes perfect and it is true. Start from slow tempo and increase tempo speed slowly and if you got off tunes or breaks off... start from the begining again. Slowwww to Fasssttt....
1) Your palms position (For comfort, mute strings ...)
2) Your plectrum (make sure it is comfortable for you to do sweep picking)
And like other people say, practise makes perfect and it is true. Start from slow tempo and increase tempo speed slowly and if you got off tunes or breaks off... start from the begining again. Slowwww to Fasssttt....
*Aliens Understand Music*
# 7

Originally posted by emmanuel79
Before you start playing sweep picking consider this:
1) Your palms position (For comfort, mute strings ...)
2) Your plectrum (make sure it is comfortable for you to do sweep picking)
And like other people say, practise makes perfect and it is true. Start from slow tempo and increase tempo speed slowly and if you got off tunes or breaks off... start from the begining again. Slowwww to Fasssttt....
What emmanuel179 is telling you is very important! in,
Sweep picking. The only thing i can add to his post is the angle of your pick, plus the use of your thumb on the right hand behind your pick is,a very important technique to learn . Also you want to really relax your wrist!
In muting the strings going down the notes, use the side of your,thumb to follow right along behind your pick.
When going back up the notes your kinda draging a part,
of the thumb.Also you can do it like this "push" into,
the notes with your pick ,then when coming back up the,
notes put a slight angle on the pick leaning it towards,
you .then going back down again lean it towards the,
pick guard if you have one .then try to get the sound of,
a flowing water-falls like emmanuell1179 has said time,
and time again on here.Now not untill you get your speed,
built up will it sound like a flowing water-falls.
Try the notes below for an excercize in C major .
Try this pattern 15 14 12 13 15 <- dn then up 15 13 12 14 15
(Left hand fingering below for the notes)
1.use your pinky on the A string 15th fret.
2.use your third finger on the D string 14th fret.
3.use your index finger on the G string 12th fret.
4.use your second finger on the B string 13th fret.
5.use your pinky on the high E string 15th fret.
P:S Hi Emmanuell179 long time no hear!
[Edited by skee1 on 11-08-2001 at 01:12 PM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 8

hey christoph editing your sites? cause there looking pretty good!!
By the way, charlie parker was a sax player, but I'm sure you knew that.
[Edited by chris mood on 11-08-2001 at 11:49 PM]
By the way, charlie parker was a sax player, but I'm sure you knew that.
[Edited by chris mood on 11-08-2001 at 11:49 PM]
# 9

Chris i knew that but i had Charlie C on my mind the,
first electric guitar player!
Sorry about that i played with alot of sax players,
in the early days.
Thats how i learnrd Harlem nocturn Em ,plus,
night train,Intermission Riff and countless,other classic's .(I alwasy liked playing the sax riffs)
About the sites i'll check mabee the old web guy,
that i had came out of retirement and decided i,
needed help!(Really he's a roadie i use on the weekends)
You must know the mind goes once in a while!
(When i'm being rushed by my better-half)
To take her to dinner.(grin)
[Edited by skee1 on 11-09-2001 at 01:04 AM]
first electric guitar player!
Sorry about that i played with alot of sax players,
in the early days.
Thats how i learnrd Harlem nocturn Em ,plus,
night train,Intermission Riff and countless,other classic's .(I alwasy liked playing the sax riffs)
About the sites i'll check mabee the old web guy,
that i had came out of retirement and decided i,
needed help!(Really he's a roadie i use on the weekends)
You must know the mind goes once in a while!
(When i'm being rushed by my better-half)
To take her to dinner.(grin)
[Edited by skee1 on 11-09-2001 at 01:04 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman
# 10

Long time no hear from you too skee1... Sure that is a detail one you give. Thanks to you too. At this moment I have less time to get online. Lucky there are people like you skee1 lighten up this place. Bravo! to skee1... cheers!!!
*Aliens Understand Music*
# 11

Thanks Emmanuel79
I'll try harder i like to have fun!(I love good humor)
We all can use alot that right now.
Thanks again!
I'll try harder i like to have fun!(I love good humor)
We all can use alot that right now.
Thanks again!
yours truly Mark Toman
# 12