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High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
09/29/2001 3:29 pm

Go slow there's no hurry you will get it.
You might break the part's down and use less notes,
plus really check your left hand out by going real,
slow to see whats causing your problem .
I know its hard to slow sweep picking down.
You all-so might have to change your left hand,
fingering .(Experiment)

P:S For starting out doing sweep picking for beginner,
guitarests i recemend only useing a 3 note minor chord,
A minor at the 12th fret using first finger=1 on the,
12th fret 1st string,second finger=2 on the 13th,
fret B string,third finger=3 on the 14th fret G string .

[Edited by skee1 on 09-29-2001 at 11:43 AM]
yours truly Mark Toman