"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
thank God for bass and drums
why play bass or drums when you can play guitar??? thank god people choose to play bass and drums.....but i would not even consider it.
# 1
Good question. I guess it's like my former instructor once told me "You don't choose your instrument, it chooses you." But then again, he was a heroin addict who proclaimed to be a Bhuddist and heavily into Zen. And alien abductions. And global conspiracies. And theories that the Illuminati were running the world. And....
But I agree. Thank God that people do play bass, drums, keyboards, trumpets...etc.
But I agree. Thank God that people do play bass, drums, keyboards, trumpets...etc.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 2

well, i play a bit of piano and a bit of bass as well, but boy am i glad that there's people that make that a full-time job.
"the more you know, the less you know. I don't feel like i know shit anymore, but i love it."
-Mike Stern
-Mike Stern
# 3
Drums I woulda loved to get into, but bass....so boring. Another reason why I like RATM, Tim is amazing on that thing.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 4

Actually, I find both drums and bass infinitely more fun than guitar. I can spend hours playing either, but when it comes to guitar I lose interest very quickly.
I swear, it's a miracle I'm even at the level I am on guitar.
I swear, it's a miracle I'm even at the level I am on guitar.
# 5

well, the one thing about guitar in particular ive found that is when i suck, i suck. its a hard instrument to cover that up on. haha. i hate waking up on a sunday morning with a hangover, listening to dragonforce, and then picking up my guitar to sloppily go over my sweeps or something, all the while listening to virtuoso b/s that makes me want to throw the **** away. ah, we all have days like that.
i guess it would be the same thing listening to victor wooten or jaco pastorus while warming up on the bass, though.
i guess it would be the same thing listening to victor wooten or jaco pastorus while warming up on the bass, though.
"the more you know, the less you know. I don't feel like i know shit anymore, but i love it."
-Mike Stern
-Mike Stern
# 6

Originally Posted by: quickfingersi guess it would be the same thing listening to victor wooten or jaco pastorus while warming up on the bass, though.
That reminds me of a funny story.
My brother got a bass for Christmas, and we went in to the city a couple days later to see if we could find him some sort of beginner's book. I found a Jaco Pastorius songbook, and I was like "Hey! I found one! This one's real good for beginner-type learning!" However, he planned on paying for the book with his own money, and I just didn't have the heart to actually let him buy it.
# 7

HAHA. wow. thats definitely a way to discourage learning the bass, thats for damn sure. haha. wow.
"the more you know, the less you know. I don't feel like i know shit anymore, but i love it."
-Mike Stern
-Mike Stern
# 8

Originally Posted by: hunter60Good question. I guess it's like my former instructor once told me "You don't choose your instrument, it chooses you." But then again, he was a heroin addict who proclaimed to be a Bhuddist and heavily into Zen. And alien abductions. And global conspiracies. And theories that the Illuminati were running the world. And....
But I agree. Thank God that people do play bass, drums, keyboards, trumpets...etc.
Hey!!I play a trumpet!!!!!! :mad:
Nah, just kidding.i mean, i do play a trumpet, but find it boring as hell...
Funny thing, if I don"t pick up a guitar for two weeks, I am pretty much at the level I was before...Just some warming up and off we go...But if I don"t play a trumpet for two weeks, gosh...Tragedy.Can"t play for long, can"t achieve higher notes...Eh, the curses in life...
Uhm, hunter? :p :p
# 9
Originally Posted by: quickfingers
i guess it would be the same thing listening to victor wooten or jaco pastorus while warming up on the bass, though.
vic wooten kicks ass.
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 10

I play trombone also. I love playing with a band...and none of that jazz band bs. I like straight up concert bands...symphonies...w/e you may want to call it. I also like playing in pit bands for musicals. But drums and bass...especially bass... no thanks.
Let your soul shine. Its better than sunshine. Its better than moonshine. Damn sure better than rain.
# 11
I wish to God more people played instruments other than the guitar. Most of my friends play guitar and only one plays keyboard. I don't know anyone who plays bass or drums. There's no jamming going on around my parts.
# 12
Once upon a time, I got so bored with guitar I started on drums.... I've still got a kit - I'm not good enough to go pro, but I am good enough that I can take the p*ss out of drummers....
That's the perfect skill level I think.... :cool: and it's great for working out stress...
never played bass though..... like guitar but fewer strings.... easy!
That's the perfect skill level I think.... :cool: and it's great for working out stress...
never played bass though..... like guitar but fewer strings.... easy!
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]https://www.renhimself.com
# 13
Originally Posted by: renOnce upon a time, I got so bored with guitar I started on drums.... I've still got a kit - I'm not good enough to go pro, but I am good enough that I can take the p*ss out of drummers....
That's the perfect skill level I think.... :cool: and it's great for working out stress...
never played bass though..... like guitar but fewer strings.... easy!
Hmm. Less strings? Easier? Maybe I was meant to play bass. Naw. I don't think so. I may stink as a guitar player, but man, is it fun!!!
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 14

I actually find bass harder to play. There are less strings sure, but the frets are so much farther apart, and when you play for a while they get harder to hold down compared to guitar strings. Actually after playing bass I have to play acoustic before I go back to electric guitar, because I push the strings down too hard and bend them just from habit. I'll be the first to admit that bass can be boring to play, but you can make it pretty fun if you want. I think I'd rather play bass than guitar in any band, if not for the lack of admiration.
You go outside and practice screaming. We'll play music while you're gone.
# 15
Originally Posted by: Scotttaylor72I wish to God more people played instruments other than the guitar. Most of my friends play guitar and only one plays keyboard. I don't know anyone who plays bass or drums. There's no jamming going on around my parts.
word :cool:
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 16
Originally Posted by: Scotttaylor72I wish to God more people played instruments other than the guitar. Most of my friends play guitar and only one plays keyboard. I don't know anyone who plays bass or drums. There's no jamming going on around my parts.
my best friend plays bass guitar, he had no other choice cuz I took the initiative to play guitar :p nah he's enjoying himself, he got way better string control on the guitar then me, luckily he's leaving for six months for a placement in the UK soon without hiss bass so I can catch up with him :D
= good music is good drinking =
# 17

Played drums a bit years ago and really enjoyed it, but not really practical around the house, too noisey, not enough space, my son just started learning bass after givin up on guitar but he's not upto a level where we can jam yet :(
Strat totin
Six string slingin
Son of a gun
I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.
strat-man rocks with vox
Six string slingin
Son of a gun
I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.
strat-man rocks with vox
# 18
String-slingers are a dime a dozen just about anywhere.
I get more invites to jam on bass. I like it.
I get more invites to jam on bass. I like it.
# 19

Originally Posted by: LordathestringsString-slingers are a dime a dozen just about anywhere.
I get more invites to jam on bass. I like it.
High-five, LatS. No, wait. Bass-five. Gimme a bass-five.
# 20