Is Easy Drummer a stand alone program where you make your beat and then save it as a wav, MP3....and then bring it into your editing program? Or is it a pluggin? I have some lame recording software and they don't support VST pluggins. So I have to bring my drums in as a file.
I was looking into buying Sonar 6, Home Studio 4XL or Reason but they are pricey and I just want to lay down some drums and a bass line so I can play guitar over them and maybe at some point put together a song. If I can get good drum software I can record my own bass tracks.
I down loaded Battery Demo and was disappointed with the drum sounds and it looks like a pluggin only program. I also downloaded Reason and Sonar 6 demos. They offer a lot of stuff but I want to play music not learn software. Not to mention the raping of my wallet. Ez Drummer sounded great on there website tutorial and looked like something I could learn in a reasonable amount of time.
Help me please......I'm so confussed.....