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Joined: 09/14/01
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New Member
Joined: 09/14/01
Posts: 1
09/14/2001 2:20 am
Any help will be appreciated. Ive played guitar for 35 years - mostly folk and a little classical - I teach K-12 music in a small school. We started a guitar class in general music class 2 years ago and it hung on - last year one of our aides took over the class as an after-school class. He was great! the kids loved him! He taught them all the cool stuff. Well, he has left to further his education, and the class was handed back to me. i knew enough to start them - but they are in various stages of accomplishment. Most of them are really into tabs of current music - needless to say - Im not quite as up on current music as I should be (although I am listening to more of it now - ) Any ideas, tab sites, progression plans etc will be of value to me. I dont quite feel like im in over my head, but I am not the guitar expert that I should be.
Those who wish to sing will always find a song.