as in i spelt your name incorrectly. or simon spelled backwards is nomis,
i dont know it is really anoyin me
Originally Posted by: acapellaI'm with Schmange on this one, obviously. Not only does it not make sense to spell any word like that with a t instead of an ed, when would you actually say a word like that and end it in a t? It would be very akward to say stuff like "so last night I dreamt that I was in class and the teacher said I spelt something wrong so I woult lose marks". Maybe it's gramatically accepted in some circles, but it sure as hell ain't in mine!
Originally Posted by: acapella I mean, no offense to you Fret Spider, but I'm going to use your post as an example. There were numerous typos and grammatical/spelling errors in it, but I still had no trouble understanding the message.
Originally Posted by: AkiraInglihs Iz Wiked M8 Lol!!!!
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