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R. Shackleferd
Gulf Coaster
Joined: 12/13/04
Posts: 1,338
R. Shackleferd
Gulf Coaster
Joined: 12/13/04
Posts: 1,338
12/18/2006 6:06 am mention of Pantera-Far Beyond Driven?
One of the best metal albums ever (and 1st to debut at #1), released at a crucial time to signal the beginning of the end of that grunge era. Like Metallica's Black album, it brought metal to the masses who normally wouldn't be exposed to it, and returned the guitar solo to the spotlight.
While that album was one of their highlights, their career as a whole was influential as well. Certainly not singlehandedly, but ditching the spandex and makeup had an effect. They helped take mosh pits, vocal screams, and just pure aggressiveness to "a new level", to be carried on by the next wave...Korn, Slipknot, etc.

Another band I can't help but mentioning...ZZ Top. Already fairly famous from previous albums, Eliminator was huge, and made the 80's a little more bearable. They also helped debut the art of the video on MTV and further tied in images (cars, women, clothes, fuzzy guitars) with the music. Personally I think they took the blues to a different level, as most of their songs are based in basic blues progressions, shuffles, and licks but with more squeals, fuzz, and more of a head bobbing rock rhythm. Roots in the blues, but certainly unique and original. It might be hard to find a jukebox, wedding reception (Legs...everytime), or rock radio station not playing them still today.

Well those are my additions, but perhaps I'm a little biased. :cool:
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Bust a nut!" - Dimebag
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