I know there's a post on the right amp topic (I think I've read it like 6 or 8 times), but there is nothing like GT input on gear.
I'm thinking in getting a new amp, and I really don't know what to get, the only thing defined is:
1- Probably I need a combo (not head and cab, not enought room and maybe money)
2- Heavy sounding stuff it's my bag, but latetly been playing some sort of dirty bluesy stuff with a sound a bit like Hendrix (dark dirty tone I mean... need a life of pracitce and some more to get to the "other" Jimmy side).
3- I play mostly tru a PODXt live six and seven string guitars.
Did I mention I dream with a mesa recto more often that I dream with girls... (I want to win the lottery... every time I look at mesa catalog I cry...)
Anyway, guess you guys can give me some opinion over a nice loud combo with a bit of tone flexibility.
Please let me know.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.