"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
why did i wait so long
to get an eq pedal!!! all my distortion/tone shaping crap is now in box. get one and don't be a fool like me. with 7 bands i have tons of tones.
# 1
Yep, an eq pedal is a secret weapon....They can actually add gain or take some gain out depending on how they are set.
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 2

I love EQ, I don't have it in a separete pedal but my POD XT live, has a 4 band EQ, and it really makes things happen, tweak, tweak, tweak and all of a sudden you have a killer sound.
I've got a question, has some one used de BBE sonic stomp?
I've heard that with that thing on, it's like removing a blanket of your speakers cabinet.
Anyone? :D
I've got a question, has some one used de BBE sonic stomp?
I've heard that with that thing on, it's like removing a blanket of your speakers cabinet.
Anyone? :D
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.
# 3
I've never used the Sonic Maximizer pedal, but I do have the plug in effect for Sonar. It makes a huge difference with that....
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 4

# 5
Originally Posted by: wreckensequilizer pedal is sumthing hv bass middle etc etc on it?
yes.... go here and see one... http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Danelectro-DJ14-Fish-and-Chips-7Band-EQ-Pedal?sku=151873
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 6

# 7

# 8

# 9
I have a Boss GE7. Seven bands, centered at 100,200,400,800,1.6k,3.2k and 6.4k Hz. It also has a level on it. Pushing it up will give you boost, down will cut everything. It's about a hundred bucks, plus a power supply.
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]Still learning. One riff at a time. [/FONT]
# 10

Originally Posted by: parrotheada1aI have a Boss GE7. Seven bands, centered at 100,200,400,800,1.6k,3.2k and 6.4k Hz. It also has a level on it. Pushing it up will give you boost, down will cut everything. It's about a hundred bucks, plus a power supply.
i dont get the bold part XD
wats that for?
# 11
click on this..... it is $30 http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Danelectro-DJ14-Fish-and-Chips-7Band-EQ-Pedal?sku=151873
it is what i bought and it works great
it is what i bought and it works great
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 12
the bold #'s are frequencies....the highs and lows on an eq....low as in bass and high as in treble
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 13
I use n MXR 6-band EQ up front, and it is definitely one piece of gear that I couldn't live without.
# 14

This thread was the inspiration for my recent EQ purchase. I got an MXR 10 band EQ (M-108) its got 12 sliders, 10 for EQ and two for volume and gain and its really amazing. At the beggining when you switch it on you think this is overated but then you play for a while and turn it off and you realize how bad your tone sounds. Get EQ.
"We forgot to call Dylan" "Who the F*ck is Dylan?" "oh, I mean xDylanx" " oh yea we forgot to call him"
# 15
I'm dying to get that pedal! I will most likely be using it in the loop of the amp though, and use my 6-band in front of the amp. hmm... nevermind, I keep forgetting that I've got a digital rack EQ that I can use for that :rolleyes: Ether way, if you're not happy with your tone, I definitely suggest getting an EQ pedal to play with before spending a lot of money on a new amp.
# 16
Originally Posted by: PRSplayaI'm dying to get that pedal!
no eric, you are not dying. ;) see below
Official member of AGCWBLOGTTDRNBDAA (Avid Gear Collectors Who Buy Lots Of Gear That They Don't Really Need But Do Anyway Anonymous)
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 17

I'm about to revamp my entire sound. I am getting a Zvex Wah Probe, and a Fulltone Fulldrive (perhaps a Zvex Box Of Rock instead of the Fulltone? any ideas?) and I want to get a BBE Sonic Maximiser to accompany that. I think I'll then run analogue effects in front of my head, and all my digital stuff (Pod Xt Live, Digitech Xp 300 Space Station) in the effects loop of my amp? I odnt know how that'll sound, but when I do this I think I may take the pod out completely and use it only in the studio...and get a delay and Chorus to come in front of my amp. If I do this, I might get an Eq pedfal as well.
Can someone tell me, would an Eq pedal and the BBE Sonic Max make sense? or is one of them pretty unnecessary if you have the other?
Can someone tell me, would an Eq pedal and the BBE Sonic Max make sense? or is one of them pretty unnecessary if you have the other?
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 18
Originally Posted by: Andrew Sa
Can someone tell me, would an Eq pedal and the BBE Sonic Max make sense? or is one of them pretty unnecessary if you have the other?
two different effects.
i have heard conflicting reviews on the sonic max...some great, some say it digitizes tone in a bad way....an eq you can't really go wrong with but i have heard bad things about the boss ge-7...i.e. noise--i would test drive at home the bbe and return if not happy...eq you should have, period.
"Dammit Jim!! I'm a guitarist not a roadie...so haul my gear"
# 19