We have a high def television and the difference between the Blue Ray discs that the PS3 uses and the ones the 360 uses is amazing!!! I think in general the PS3 is a far superior system... it has most of the same features as the 360 as far as playing music and storing music on it and such... The cool thing is that I can sync my celll phone to it since it is a BlueTooth device and I can instantly send and recieve .mp3 files from my phone. Also you can sync your PSP straight to the PS3 and download files and such... I don't know what to think of the Wii quite yet... I think it's going to be different but I personally won't buy one... we already got two next gen systems and I still play my Playstation 2 more than I do the 360.... Mostly because I purchased Final Fantasy XII when it came out.... but even then I didn't play the 360 all that often...... Anyone that owns both... except hardcore 360 Live gamers will tell you that the PS3 owns.......... It's kind of like a Gibson/Fender debate when it comes to Xbox/Playstation debates.... Some people prefer one over the other... I have always preferred the Playstation to the Xbox... I never have like the Xbox controllers... although the 360 one is a bit better... But I like how through 3 generations of consoles... Sony has kept the same controller, except making it better each time... pressure sensitive buttons on the PS2... and now cordless and the ability to turn on and off the console from the controller (like the Xbox... one thing I REALLY liked about the 360...)... But still I say the PS3 owns all for now... Plus, it's the cheapest BlueRay DVD player on the market right now... so you get a killer game system and a killllller high def DVD player in one...
I think the Wii looks decent though... I thought it would bomb but it looks like some of the game developers are really utilizing the two handed controller... the only bad thing is... Some people probably aren't going to be cooridinated enough to use the controllers effectively... which will be a turn off... haha.