Originally Posted by: buckethead14ohhh okay so play them in groups of a certain# and then mix them up thank very much is much esier for me now..at my school weve worked on stand up improv on guitar...so i just needed to know what i could do....i have one mroe question..i know that there are certain modes in guitar..like mixolydian and stuff.....so im kinda hazy..i mean certain modes starts at a certain degree right?...can anyone clear this up by showing a picture of this?..thanks to everyone
Attempting to tackle Modes at this point would be like learning "Smoke on the Water" today and "Crazy Train" tomorrow. When the basics become natural and are executed with ease, your foundation becomes stronger to build on.
Applying triplet or "quad" riffs as Paul mentioned, require focus and mechanics added to simple Pentatonic patterns. These riffs are played in sequence. Try this riff Starting @ Low E 5th fret; E5-E8-E5-E8-a5-E8-a5/a7-a5-a7-d5-a7-d5/d7-d5-d7-g5-d7-g5/g7-g5-g7-b5-g7-b5/b8-b5-b8-e5. Good alt. picking exercise as well starting with a down stroke then up, etc.