Peavey Windsor Guitar Amplifier Head
Peavey is at it again with the introduction of the new Windsor guitar amp. The Windsor is a 100 watt, all tube amp in a head configuration. It also has a matching 4x12 cabinet with speakers that have been specially voiced to match the tone of the amp. The amp is voiced with classic British tones in mind. According to talk around the net, it has tones ranging from classic Marshall Plexi up to a hot rodded JCM800. If that is the case, this will definitely be one heck of a tone monster!
The Windsor is powered by four EL34 power tubes, which produce 100 ear bleeding watts of raw power, while three 12AX7 preamp tubes will provide you with all that juicy gain. There is also a Texture control which changes the characteristics of the amp from Class A/B push-pull to Class A, and anywhere in between.
It is a single channel amp with high and low gain inputs, a footswitchable gain boost, pre-gain and post-gain volume controls, standard bass, mid, and treble EQ controls, resonance, presence, and lastly texture controls.
The Windsor, like the Valveking, will be made in Peavey's China factory. This will keep the price tag in the sub $400 range (street price)! It s due to ship sometime in November. I haven't heard the amp myself, but with my experience with Peavey, this should be one rockin' amp, and worth the wait! :cool:
Peavey's NAMM article
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