definitely not the best week of my life

Fret spider
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Fret spider
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10/14/2006 2:49 pm
last saturday i didnt close the winow to my room in the student house i live in properly, and i was robbed. got my laptop as well as other miner stuff stolen. thank god he didnt steal the guitars. i felt like an idiot and was really pissed of, but i am tryin to look on the bright side, at least insurance will help raise money for the new pc i want. wat is more anoyin is my credit card and drivers lisense were stolen. i cancelled the card so no money was taken out. but i have been unable to draw cash for a while. and i have to replce all the stolen cards as well as items like belts and bike locks.

then on the monday will cyclin home from university a car pulled in front of me and promptly stopped, in the cycle lane. i mannaged to swerve and avoid a head on collision and y front weal missed the car, but the handle bar didnt. this smashed my hand into the car. cos i was goin about 20 mph i flew over the handle bars but somehow did a roll which meant i had only a few cuts and grazes. so that wasnt htat bad. wat was bad was the hand that hit the car. my first three fingers where protected manly by the break lever but my little finger felt the full force. it became all swolen and bled a lot making it unusable. and guess what hand it was, my left hand. i never realised how much i use my pinky untill i tried to play guitar with only three fingers. but on the bright side it hurts a lot less now and i can play with my little finger for short periods. and i dont think anythin was broken, althought the nail feels a bit loose. so i should be back to normall in week.

anyway thats my week, as bad things happen in threes i am just waitin for the next thing to happen. :( then again i aint really that supersititous.
# 1
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10/14/2006 3:12 pm
ouch! That's definitely a week to forget. Sorry about your luck, man, but hey, if nothing happened yesterday (Friday the 13th), I'd say you're safe to resume normal activities. Hope you heal fast!

# 2
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10/14/2006 5:31 pm
Sorry to hear about it Simon. Glad you have insurance, and at least your guitars are safe-does anything else matter?

Anyways, intil then, put a slide on the pinky and play that style or something :cool: .

Good luck bud.
For life is quite absurd and death's the final word, You must always face the curtain with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.

# 3
Disco Bandit
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Disco Bandit
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10/14/2006 6:59 pm
geez man that sucks big least the insurance's got it that sucks real bad im real sorry to ehar that...thank god for the guitars...
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 4
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10/14/2006 8:47 pm
That's terrible, man, hope your finger gets better soon and that you have some more luck coming your way! Lucky break with the guitars, though.
"It's all folk music... I ain't never heard no horse sing!"
- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong

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l337iZmz r@wk o.K!!!??>
# 5
Fret spider
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Fret spider
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10/16/2006 12:10 pm
thanx guys, much apreciated.

im sure it will be alright in a bit. my pinky can take abit a pressure now so i can play for short periods. i should have all my cards back in a few days so eveerythin is gettin sorted.
# 6

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