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09/27/2006 12:17 pm
Originally Posted by: magicninjaI was hoping more people would read and comment on this rant of mine. I already know Tristan and I are on the same wavelength. :cool: Seems you guys were too busy goin' on about Satanism to notice my post so I thought I'd try again. Don't be mad. I'm just trying to leave the world in better shape than when I found it.

Just read your rant and it is exactly the way I see things too. THe meaning of life changes when you have kids... propogation of the species and protection of your own family is what it's all about. As far as goals for mankind go, space exploration and terra forming of other planets should be right up there but of course, mankind will end up waiting until it's too late to do anything of any benefit. It's more than 35 years now since man walked on the moon and seems to be a case of "been there done that"...

As far as creation science goes... how come we can see the light from stars? If the earth is only 30,000 years old then the sky would be mostly black. It has taken billions of light years for the light of earth's visible stars to arrive at our part of 'this' galaxy. Billions of light years = billions of years.
One thing worth bearing in mind in the evolution vs creation argument is the fact that science takes nothing for granted that is not already proven prior to construciton of a theory. There are abstract theories out there re black holes etc, these cannot be proven in the real work however they draw on solid scientific theories and principals. Creationists assume that the bible is the truth and then create arguments and 'theories' to prove these assumptions. Straight away that is a flawed way of thinking.

Not meant to offend anyone, I just have an interest in the evolution debate. I can't for the life of me understand how creationism has now been brought into school teaching in some of the US states! :eek: