I end up having to buy multiples of everything. 5 pairs of sunglasses 3 sets of car keys. Picks in bulk. A box of pens.
I still lose everything cause I just automatically put things down without thinking about it. I can't count the amount of times I've sat down and gone 'where the hell is my pen?' or 'where the hell is my pick this time??'.
Then my conversation with myself usually goes like this.
"Oh great.. it's search time again. Yep.. lovely search time... sure enough, just when I'm all ready to record, I go to find the one thing that's always in the same place and yep... it's gone. NOW Where the hell is it??"
By about the 5th time around the room I'm going "what the hell!! it was right there!! Where could it have possibly gone to??. Now I don't even feel like recording anymore...
Then there's the usual swearing at aliens or God or some unseen force that keeps doing this to me..
Then I'll find what I'm looking for in the least likely place, where I'm sure I've already looked there a half dozen times
.. "what the friggin hell?? There's NO WAY I PUT THAT DOWN THERE!!"
I'll be totally convinced that somebody is screwing around with me, even though I'm the only person in the room.