My poor fingers!

I have been playing for a about a week. And I am practicing scales every night. I am trying to get some chords, but they kill my fingers. How long before to pain starts to go away? I can tell my fingers a getting tougher, but they hurt.
# 1
Give it time. Eventually you'll start to build up callouses and you'll hardly notice it anymore.
Best thing to do is if it really starts to hurt so bad you can't play... just take a break for a day or two. If you find the skin peeling off your fingertips it's a good thing... just pull it off and new skin will grow underneath that's thicker.
Think in terms of weeks instead of days.
Best thing to do is if it really starts to hurt so bad you can't play... just take a break for a day or two. If you find the skin peeling off your fingertips it's a good thing... just pull it off and new skin will grow underneath that's thicker.
Think in terms of weeks instead of days.
# 2

If it really hurts then try to play more with your nails than you finger tips or even wrap your fingers in a layer of scotch tape. Sad to say that is how I started out. You should also work a little with your picking hand because you never know when you might need it.
# 3

If it really hurts then try to play more with your nails than you finger tips or even wrap your fingers in a layer of scotch tape. Sad to say that is how I started out. You should also work a little with your picking hand because you never know when you might need it.
# 4

Well, there are many variables that go into that equation. I'd say the major one is that the more you practice, the more they will and wont hurt.
To explain....
Now just think of it, your pressing your soft fingertips down onto steel wires onto wood. It'll take a while to build up caluses. The more you practice, the quiker you'll develop these calluses, though in turn can result in injury, say blisters. Blisters arent all bad, if you treat them right. If you let them heal, without poping them, they'll make your fingertips harder. Though they take a while to heal this way, its all for the best. The less you practice, your fingers wont be in so much pain, but at the same time... your not practicing as much.
It is a stage each of us has to over come. Hope you get through your quikley.
To explain....
Now just think of it, your pressing your soft fingertips down onto steel wires onto wood. It'll take a while to build up caluses. The more you practice, the quiker you'll develop these calluses, though in turn can result in injury, say blisters. Blisters arent all bad, if you treat them right. If you let them heal, without poping them, they'll make your fingertips harder. Though they take a while to heal this way, its all for the best. The less you practice, your fingers wont be in so much pain, but at the same time... your not practicing as much.
It is a stage each of us has to over come. Hope you get through your quikley.
# 5

I hate to say it, I have been playing for quite a long time and there are times that my fingers still hurt. Especially after a long jam session or trying a new technique. When I first started playing, I played until they would bleed. But I wouldn't recomend that. Keep trying, a little more each week and eventually you will be playing a 2 or 3 hour jam session. Another thing you may want someone with some experience to look at is the "action" on the guitar. That is the distance the strings are above the fret board. If it's too high, your fingers will hurt. Let a guitar mechanic adjust it for you. Don't try this at home. Good luck
Favorite quote.....GET OUT THE BEANS!
# 6

eyy bud i know u got sum ballz. play through the pain. eventually it won't hurt.
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 7

Ya, and also don't play right after a shower. I'd started the guitar and been playin for a few weeks, then I took a shower and learned (and when I say learned I mean fidled with) the hotel california solo, my soft wet fingers tore open and it hurt like hell.
# 8