Ok, I have a big trouble, I bought my first guitar in February last year (2005), it's august 2006...and... well... honestly I can't play a damn thing.
My teacher (and former guitar player of my band) was teaching me, he really knows a lot, he is a gifted guitar player (now he's a bit rusty but it's a fisical thing), he wanted me to learn like the "right way", you know? like first the notes, a bit of finger independence, then started with a little of scales theory, and then, some cords... sounds OK right?.
Music theory is insane, I get some things but sometimes it feels like so much to know only to play like really basic stuff, and then the fisical thing, my fingers doesn't seem to respond, sometimes I can move with comfort and sometimes I'm stiff like a wood board.
Quiting has passed trough my mind, and it really gets to me cause I want to do this, I wanna be on a stage, I miss that, I need it.
Is it normal to feel like this?, If practice is the point... how long should I do it?, and should I start right away with my 7 string or should I stick to my 6 string for a while?... I'm really confused. Help.
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.