Pinch Harmonics

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07/31/2006 4:26 am
OK heres the thing. I have, sinced listening to Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, and that one guy Chris Impaterillati or whatever his name is ( does an awesome rock version of somewhere over the rainbow) , wanted to be able to do pinch harmonics. I have done them by accident countless times, but everytime I try to do them intentionally, I get no pinched harmonic. I have seen lessons and lessons online, but they all show how to do the harmonics on the lower notes, as in Heavy Metal music. I want to be able to do them on the b and e sting and cause my guitar to scream " success!" and anyways. . . anyone have anything that may help me? :confused:

Id appreciate it!
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07/31/2006 5:43 am

Happy reading! :) This subject has been rehashed so many times a little search and voila!
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# 2
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07/31/2006 1:23 pm
I can do em fine on the lower strings, but I still haven't gotten the b or e down perfectly yet, it will usually take me a 2nd try to get a good one. Just keep at it.
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# 3
Fret spider
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07/31/2006 2:30 pm
i don't know a guide, but what want to do is fret a note with ur left hand (obviously), and then us ur pick and the edge of ur thumb to make the harmonic. the way u hold the pick is important, some people hold the pick between the finger tip and the edge of the thumb so that the pick protrudes from the palm. but u want to hold ur hand in the folowing way.straigten ur hand first so none of the fingers are bent. the bend the second joint in ur finger (eg the middle one) 90 degrees.(u have to keep ur knuckle unbent). then bend the last joint in the fingure(the one near the nail) 90 degrees. lay the pick across the side of ur finger so that it is not gripped by the tip. then place ur thumb flat across the pick. ur thumb should be parrallel to the palm of ur hand and the last digit of the finger. lastly is is important that u let only a very small amount of the pick protrude.

when u actually try the pinched harmonic u strick downwards at the string and let the side of ur fingure hit the string after the pick. u might have to dig ur hand into the string a bit.

lastly u have to hit the harmonic at the right spot and it is easier if the fretting hand is lower down the neck so that the lower harmonics can be used.

an easy harmonic to hit is if u fret the ninth fret on the g string and try to place ur picking hand over the very edge of the pickup, nearest the bridge. i have covered humbuckers so u mite have to ajust this position if u have single pickups.

if all this doesnt work getting a thicker pick might help and increasing the volume and distortion of the amp will make the harmonics ring better

anyways good luck
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07/31/2006 2:31 pm
Originally Posted by: kissphantom05....Chris Impaterillati or whatever his name is ( does an awesome rock version of somewhere over the rainbow)

:D Chris Impellitteri... He's a dude - got a couple of lessons off him some years ago. Man.... he can play. Not very subtle, but he's fast...

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07/31/2006 4:54 pm
Thank you guys. I'm hitting them now. :D
# 6
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08/02/2006 4:20 pm
Suggested Listening-- For some good use ofpinch harmonics in solos listen to ZZ top -- LaGrange is a good one.

Old school rock not allot of shredding.
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# 7
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08/02/2006 9:18 pm
Hey, I think I can help. I didn't read all the replies so forgive me if I'm reiterrating anything anyone else said. But harmonics is my specialty and I've only been playing a month! It's the ONLY thing I can do well.

The trick is .... BARELY touch the string with your left finger and pluck hard with your right finger. It's hard to remember to touch lightly because with our left hand we have to push the strings down so hard you know? Remember, light touch.... barely touch it and see yourself fly!
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08/03/2006 3:17 am
Those kind of harmonics (Natural) are different than the ones he was asking about (Pinch/Artificial). You did nail the explanation for the natural ones though! :)
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# 9
earthman buck
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earthman buck
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08/03/2006 4:54 am
When I try and hit pinch harmonics, I just use the second-knuckle area of my middle finger on my right hand. Is this wrong?

If that was hard to understand, let me try again:

I hold my pick the way I normally do, something like this:

When I want to hit the harmonic, I down pick with the second knuckle (the one closest to the fingernail) of my middle finger touching the string. The second I push the pick down, I pull my knuckle off the string, sort of towards me, which (often) results in a pinch harmonic. It's not very easy, but it sounds a lot easier than how Akira described it. Do they sound clearer using the thumb, or what?
# 10
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08/03/2006 10:55 pm
Originally Posted by: earthman buckWhen I try and hit pinch harmonics, I just use the second-knuckle area of my middle finger on my right hand. Is this wrong?

If that was hard to understand, let me try again:

I hold my pick the way I normally do, something like this:

When I want to hit the harmonic, I down pick with the second knuckle (the one closest to the fingernail) of my middle finger touching the string. The second I push the pick down, I pull my knuckle off the string, sort of towards me, which (often) results in a pinch harmonic. It's not very easy, but it sounds a lot easier than how Akira described it. Do they sound clearer using the thumb, or what?

Did you draw that hand diagram thing? That is frickin awesome. I dunno. . . im doped up on medicine so it is cool to me. Thanks a bunch. I have hit these harmonics differnt wways in the like 3 days i have had the ability. . . i still dont hit them everytime. . .but i hit them. I like using them with bends . . and a possible awesome thing to do that requires more technique. . . .pluck the fretted note and let it sustain for a while. . . then lightly. . VERY lightly touch with your thumb or the edge of the pic or with your teeth or whatever. . .then you get the harmonic. . . . .if done right can sound awesome! ROCK~
# 11
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08/04/2006 2:25 pm
Originally Posted by: earthman buckWhen I try and hit pinch harmonics, I just use the second-knuckle area of my middle finger on my right hand. Is this wrong?

If that was hard to understand, let me try again:

I hold my pick the way I normally do, something like this:

When I want to hit the harmonic, I down pick with the second knuckle (the one closest to the fingernail) of my middle finger touching the string. The second I push the pick down, I pull my knuckle off the string, sort of towards me, which (often) results in a pinch harmonic. It's not very easy, but it sounds a lot easier than how Akira described it. Do they sound clearer using the thumb, or what?

If its not very easy and only often results in a pinch harmonic, then you should give the thumb brush technique a try. When you try it, try rotating the pick by pulling in your pointer finger and then going for the harmonic. Thats what I do and I nail em' no problem.
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# 12
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08/12/2006 7:00 am
All the above posts are good advice, but the right mix of sound effects can be the icing on the cake to get the sound your after. A good distortion, or overdrive, mixed with some chorus, or phaser, or flanger tweaked in just the right way can make mind blowing harmonics if you get the mix right. Finding the right mix of effects is just as important as finger technique.
# 13

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