fretting hand tension

Fret spider
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Fret spider
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07/21/2006 1:15 pm
i managed to erase the tension in my right (picking) hand a while ago.

you guys got any tips fro getin rid of it in my left (fretting) hand. i dont push really hard or anythin, but if i play fast for long periods, without stopping the muscles in my arm will start to hurt. so i stop. but it is anoyin.

so any tips?
# 1
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07/21/2006 1:30 pm
I guess you are talking about when playing scales and lead in General? In that case what i do is that i use the baseball-bat style grip on the fretboard and then rest all the weight of my hand on that thumb. This relaxes the other fingers by releasing them from not haveing to actually grip the fretboard and keep it in place. Of course i use a strap and that helps but it can be hell on the shoulders if done for too long. This technique was actually taught to me by my piano teacher funny enough and its helped me.

Its really hard to describe w/o showing you what i mean.
# 2
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07/21/2006 7:29 pm
Originally Posted by: AkiraHmm, this will end up putting a lot of strain on your thumb, which isn't too good.

I'd take a good hard look at your technique, chances are you're moving your hand in ways which cause it stress; economy of motion is paramount. Don't press down on the strings harder than needed, this seems weird at first but it will benefit you no end. Best thing to do is try pressing down on the string very lightly, whilst picking it, this will usually produce a muted note, press down a bit more until you can hear the note, doing this will show you how much pressure to apply.

And of course playing fast for long amounts of time will hurt you, it's not normal for tendons to move that much.

Also, look at the positioning of your arm, try moving it about in different positions to see if some positions are more comfortable than others.

Remember, if it starts to hurt when you play, then stop! It may seem frustrating but it's not worth carrying on and damaging your tendons. Take frequent breaks.

If I may add something... Ok, maybe it will sound stupid, but... You shoul, i dont know how you guys say it? Lower your action? Or something. So that your strings are really close to the fretboard... then you don"t need to apply so much pressure. I know, it is obvious... But just to say it. Maybe it will help you out. Sorry if it sounds childish.
# 3
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07/21/2006 7:35 pm
Try stretching your hands before playing. My hands would hurt sometimes like that, and I started stretching my hands, which I got from the John Petrucci instructional video, and it helped a lot.
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Fret spider
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07/21/2006 7:35 pm
thanxs for the tips guys.

i will try them.

as to the action mine is about as low as it will go without fret buzz, but thanx anyway.

um another question, how do you hold your hand, do you drop your wrist down ( the way u do when you hold a bar chord) and have your thumb on the back of the neck. or do u have the palm of your hand on the neck ie the baseball bat grip.

i tend to use both the baseball bat grip for the higher (pitch) strings and the drop wrist for the lower strings.
# 5
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07/21/2006 7:38 pm
Originally Posted by: AkiraIt's a valid suggestion by all means. But lowering your action will not sort out faults in your technique that cause your hand stress.

Oh. Is that what fretspider ment? I misunderstood him. I thought he was talking abou pure phisical side of the problem... He gets his muscles tired. He never did mentioned anything aobut the faults... Sorry guys. Misunderstood. :o
# 6
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07/21/2006 7:42 pm
It is kind of hard to play with your thumb on the top side of the neck when you are playing lower strings... But like Akira saed, it is all about what suits you best... be yourself. And drink a lot. ;) ;)
# 7
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07/21/2006 7:58 pm
Originally Posted by: AkiraYou didn't understand him, we just addressed it in different ways.

. Sometimes things aren't as obvious as they seem.

You must be a women.
:D :D
# 8
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07/21/2006 8:16 pm
Originally Posted by: AkiraYou'd be surprised. ;)

J ;) ust horsing around... Dont be offended. ;)
# 9
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07/21/2006 8:22 pm
Originally Posted by: AkiraLol, not at all. :D

:D Now I know you are not a women... they WOULD get offended. Come on to the cah room if you are up for it. ;)
# 10
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07/21/2006 8:23 pm
If I play for long periods and get ' the ache ' i rest up for a week or two..
if you always take the lazy route
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# 11
Fret spider
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Fret spider
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07/22/2006 12:09 pm
thanx for the advice i shall try these tips out.
# 12

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