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Disco Bandit
Joined: 12/20/05
Posts: 1,929
Disco Bandit
Joined: 12/20/05
Posts: 1,929
07/03/2006 3:47 am
i never knew the sky's so blue
glaring eyes and jaded lives
its times like these i dont know what to do
to see me there creates demise

implicit rules
and explicit lies
come drinking time
colt 45

but today is just not
today is far from

fire drills
and ecstacy pills
make television
so derogatory

make love shall we
peace, harmony
so much bull****
is life just worth it?

yes the day isnt right
its just too far from alright

racial seclusion
the reigns of fire
come calling under

drinking habits
and understandings
stop pretending
that you know it all

what is out there
is so unknown
dying daisies
its all just not there

could today be right
political crimes

no its not right
do we flee or fight?
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]