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Joined: 11/04/24
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Joined: 11/04/24
Posts: 0
07/04/2000 2:08 am
I'm not sure if they sell them in the US but I really like Simon & Patrick guitars. I guess they are a pretty small company, but they make a quality guitar for a good price. especially good value are the cheaper ones, like for around 200-300. I got a slightly more expensive one at 900 and it has a really nice ring to it. And the wood is from Quebec (a colder environment) so if you live in a more colder environment, the wood won't warp as much because its native. enough of my SP pitch. I think it partly depends on the type of music you want to play, what style you use (fingerpicking, hard strumming, etc.), and whether you intend to play with amplification or no (pickups are a whole 'nother topic). What are your preferences/requirements?