Originally Posted by: schmangeYeah, they've got some funky rules when it comes to instruction sites.
I've read the copyright law a dozen times and still get confused.
And I still haven't heard of anybody actually getting sued yet & it's been what?, a year since they showered the internet with doom and gloom predictions for all the "illegal" tab sites.
Can't you just pull a "Vanilla Ice"?
Make sure you do not post anything exactly note for note and you can always say it is not "exactly" like the original. Remember Under Pressure vs. Ice Ice Baby. What, a 1 note difference in the bass line?
Lets face it. Guitar instructors have been teaching their students "songs" from different artists for EONS.
To become an actual "flamenco" guitarist don't you have to go to Spain and train under someone there that is an "actual Flamenco" guitarist? I have also heard that they do not write the music you need to learn but require you to learn from listening.
I beleive in copyrights but sometimes I think musicians forget their roots and their beliefs once the $$$$ rolls in.
If their song is posted on the internet as a tab for others who love the music and want to learn it but can't afford lessons so and so on. Then let it be. I would be personally flattered that someone would want to play my music. Why bitch about it??
What about blues??? If there is ever a genre of music where everbody is playing some one elses song this is it!!!
The difference, I think< is that the musicians will always give credit where credit is due and not try to claim something that isn't theirs. (I am sure it happens but for argument sake come on......)
Hey Slash, Joe, Vai, Petrucci, Young,Hettfeild etc etc. to infinity and eveyone else!!!Get off your laurels and post your own tabs if you do not like others doing it.
As long as you are giving props to the original writers who really cares?
Bad enough I have deal with the taint of Gore "creating the Internet" to have the music industry tell me what I can or cannot write or post or share with others that have a common interest as myself. "thought crime" anyone?
What, I can sit in my living room jam out on a tune, teach the riff to someone else and it's ok? -- OR IS IT?!?!?!!?
Are they going to break into my house with guns ablaze becuase I have about 15 different spirals with chord charts, tabs and lyrics that I have been collecting all these years?
It really chaps my......... as you can tell.
I say just do it. As a matter of fact I will create my own site just to prove how much disdain I have for this "issue" of --"don't post [U]anything[/U]" or I can't afford the fuel for my private jet crap -- thank you Lars Ulrich.
I'll get of my Podium (no soapbox for this) and unplug my PA.
I swear if I ever make it "big" I will coat a CD with MP3's and all kinds of crud just make sure it spreads across the internet .
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]I reject your reality and substitue my own[/FONT]
[FONT=Comic Sans MS]But it goes to eleven....[/FONT]