Basically I have all these "Backing Tracks" and "Jam Tracks" on my hardrive and on cd. I want to plug my guitar into a Korg AX3000G (which I have)...and plug that right into my computer (1/4" jack). Now my computer has no input jacks at all on the back (cant even find a mic jack!! whats up with that??) All I want to do is record a jamtrack on one channel and my guitar playing over it, on another channel, maybe some special effects on another channel or 2 using some awesome sounds from the Korg. Not looking for uber quality here, just something so I can upload mp3's online like you guys do for the monthly GT Solo Assignments.
Do I just need one of those $100-$200 soundcards like one of THESE E-Mu or M-Audio units, some software like Cakewalk ($99.).... and maybe a set of monitors?
Are Monitors really nessessary or are they just so it sounds better than my Computer speaker/subwoofer set up?
Money is not really a factor but I dont need anything pro either...... I've only been playing for 8 months and have about $7000. in equipment...5 guitars, 4 amps, 6 pedals, korg AX3000G, 2 keyboards, the best cables, cases, stands etc, etc..... computer is a Dell 2.26ghz, 1536/ram(1.5 gig) and a 120 gig hd plus a 250gig ext drive. My guitars are Epi LP Custom, Fender American Deluxe HSS Strat, ESP Viper 400 and ESP F-50 which I had Seymore Duncans put in (distortion/bridge, 59n/neck...awesome metal sound!!!!)