that's right, officially a [U]high bandwith[/U] member now!!! had to support my GT!
guess who's jumped in da boat?!?
# 1
far out..ive been thinking of joining too..dou guys accept visa? still waiting for my card to arrive..
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]
# 2

Hey, I just noticed something. If you scroll quickly up or down this thread with the little scroll wheel thingy on your mouse, the orange script turns momentarily yellow. Small things amuse small minds... :o
Anyway, congrats 6strngs!
Anyway, congrats 6strngs!
"It's all folk music... I ain't never heard no horse sing!"
- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong
If at first you don't succeed, you are obviously not Chuck Norris.
l337iZmz r@wk o.K!!!??>
- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong
If at first you don't succeed, you are obviously not Chuck Norris.
l337iZmz r@wk o.K!!!??>
# 3
Get an avatar and change the tag under your username. That's what you pay the money for. Charging $5 for the high bandwidth lessons is like charging $80 for a Gibson Anniversary LP.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 4

Originally Posted by: magicninjaGet an avatar and change the tag under your username. That's what you pay the money for. Charging $5 for the high bandwidth lessons is like charging $80 for a Gibson Anniversary LP.
Yea! your tag used to say "I'm watching you" now it says "I'm watching closer now" thats cool.
congrats 6strings. i have to save up $30 till i can be high bandwith but i'm getting there.
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 5

Originally Posted by: jiujitsu_jesusHey, I just noticed something. If you scroll quickly up or down this thread with the little scroll wheel thingy on your mouse, the orange script turns momentarily yellow. Small things amuse small minds... :o
Whoa, it does!
Way to be, 6strngs!
# 6

Once I have some form of income, I'll be paying. Assuming I'm not banned yet. :p Good work 6strngs, it's about time too!
You go outside and practice screaming. We'll play music while you're gone.
# 7

# 8
right, got my avatar and title goin! I couldn't think of what to write for my title though... so I wrote the first thing that came to mind.. sounds stupid though
# 9
:cool: Welcome to the club :cool:
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
# 10

In light of this thread's title, I vote High Bandwidth be referred to as "da boat" from now on. Or, if you're hilarious like me, "Das Boot."
# 11
Originally Posted by: jiujitsu_jesusHey, I just noticed something. If you scroll quickly up or down this thread with the little scroll wheel thingy on your mouse, the orange script turns momentarily yellow. Small things amuse small minds... :o
HOLY SCHNIKES!!! YOUR RIGHT!!!, that is amazing, and congrats 6strings
If there's one thing I've learned, it's that life is one crushing defeat after another until you just wish Flanders was dead.
Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
Rock stars ... is there anything they don't know?
# 12