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Joined: 04/26/05
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05/16/2006 3:20 pm
Originally Posted by: Julian Vickershey dude,

It's pretty hard (impossible?) to sweep pick fingerstyle. In my opinion I wouldn't bother with sweep picking until you've got a good speed with both your legato and your alternate picking, especially the latter.
In my opinion, sweep picking is in no way necessary to play good melodic fast solos, they always just sound like showing off, so until you're pretty good with your fundamentals I wouldn't bother with it.

(just my humble opinion, I'm sure others feel the opposite)

It's not impossible... just a tad harder. Check out any video of John Mayer play Neon...... he sweeps while finger picking pretty much the entire song. I would also imagine it's a pretty common technique used in classical guitar playing. I've seen some videos of Classical players playing pieces by Paganini.... in which you almost have to sweep....

But I agree... Sweep picking isn't a necessity to you being a good guitar player. It depends on what kind of music you're into... If you don't wish your style to revolve around playing the most mindless, emotionless, and tonally disconnected notes possible....... then I would say don't be concerned with learning a lot of sweeping... I myself can sweep effectively... better than most I'd say.... But when I play the biggest sweep I usually use is a three string sweep... I don't play fast and often times a big six string sweep sounds way out of place... Especially in a blues or rock setting... which I mostly play. If you want to be a metal God.... start learning and practicing this second though.