View post (Funk arrangement?)

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Joined: 02/26/06
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Joined: 02/26/06
Posts: 88
05/03/2006 11:43 pm
( This is what I would do. Unfortunately I don't have any tips for funk, however this may be more beneficial )

I recommend that you disregard typical structures and instead form your own structure around the material you have present. For example, if you have a really great melody and rhythm section, but no lyrics, do not use a vocal music structure. Instead perhaps, do something like this.

Melody is Introduced -> Combined with Rhythmic portion -> Develop both of these two strong points -> Breakdown (perhaps do a call and response type of thing) -> Bring back the fully developed melody and Rhythm -> End

This would not be a very typical or standard Funk Arrangement, however, if you follow the strongpoints of your material, a great piece of music will be the final product.

Peace and Good Luck.
-Kole (Kyle Hicks)

Composer, Guitarist, Instructor.