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Joined: 02/03/06
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Joined: 02/03/06
Posts: 115
04/29/2006 1:42 pm
Originally Posted by: axemaster911whole step-whole step-half step-whole step-whole step-whole step-half step

See how perfictly this fits across the page. "Theres your code"
There is 7 diffrent ways you can start this code, and countless ways you can play it, but you cant change it, or rearange it. You either in Key, or your just somewere else. Accidentals have there place though, and in my opinion nessicary for musical evolution. In other words floating out of key at the right time, and place can make some cool sounds, and define your style. Bottom line, when we have mastered the basics we can make up our own code to define our style. Thats making music.
Your definitly on the right track trying to make sence of it all. Learning is the Key. But thats just me.
I worked your suggestion out and it confirms my own. I checked it against G mixolydian > E phygrain > A Ionian . F- Phrigian. Learning is also fun to me. keeps me outa trouble. Did u see my post #10 @ 1:33. both systems work. ;) why can't i change the order to fit a little trick as to the arrangement of whole & half steps. In pratice the order of the modes stays the same. It is just a fun thing and shows insight. :)