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Jose Daniel
Registered User
Joined: 11/13/05
Posts: 28
Jose Daniel
Registered User
Joined: 11/13/05
Posts: 28
04/28/2006 1:37 am
if einstien said " imagination is more important than knowledge" then why is it important to learn theory ?? if the great players before created great music just using their imagnation and dream and etc. then why can't we?? i know some are gifted and some are not but i just want your comment guyz. :D
Many drops of water make a river, many grains of rice make a large basket, do not underestimate your own potential, and do not think of any good deed as too small to do. - Master Shih Cheng-yen

Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time. One or the other must dominate. It is your responsibility to make sure that positive emotions constitute the dominating influence of your mind. - Napoleon Hill