Beatles bass

earthman buck
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earthman buck
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04/17/2006 2:58 am
Does anyone know how to get that cool chunky bass sound that's in a lot of Beatles songs? It's in "Helter Skelter," "While My Guitar Gently Weeps," "Baby You're a Rich Man," "Glass Onion," and to a lesser extent, "Come Together" and "The Ballad of John and Yoko." I love that sound, and I'd love to know how to get it and play it on my bass. And by 'play it on my bass,' I mean 'force acapella to play that way on all our songs.'

Thanks fer yer help!
# 1
Kevin Taylor
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Kevin Taylor
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04/17/2006 3:22 am
Just trying to figure this out from memory, but first step obviously is you need the same bass, amp and mic he uses. Then ya need the same 4 track recorder they used at Abbey Road, using a decent compressor and bouncing the tracks down so you get good saturation on the tape.
As for the playing style, you'd have to check a video but I think he played with a pick and did slight palm muting while plucking the strings. (total guess on my part tho... I've got the 'making of' video around somewhere but don't have the time to check it right now.
A lot of his stuff is running bass lines too.
If you're talking about the songs in general, you should try and get your hands on some of the bootleg Ultra-Trax stuff with the alternate takes on them cause you get a really clear sound of the sessions before they added any processing or vocals. They're also mixed straight out of the board so you get some good isolation on the different instruments.
# 2
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04/17/2006 2:59 pm
his bass was also a simi-hollowbody... i guess that almost gives it an upright bass-ish sound. i wouldnt know.
JK :cool:

-Agile Guitars Enthusiast
# 3
earthman buck
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earthman buck
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04/17/2006 7:36 pm
So basically you have to be Paul McCartney to get that sound?
# 4
Kevin Taylor
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Kevin Taylor
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04/17/2006 10:54 pm
No, not at all.
If you want to exactly duplicate it, then obviously the way to do it is with the same equipment and recording facility.
So the way to think about it is... ok... I can't afford to spend 2 days recording at Abbey Road... (which would be totally different now anyways)
I can't afford to buy the exact bass he used or the mics and compression equipment etc...
So what can I do??
First, study videos of Paul McCartney's playing and see how he holds his right and left hands when he plays.
Second.... get as many recordings as you can of his playing to figure out how he does what he does.

I guess the point I'm making is that there's no simple 'here's how you do it' solution.
Make a project out of it. First, see what videos you can find of Paul Mcartney playing bass.
Second, see if there's information about the exact equipment he used and if you can't afford to duplicate it... do your best with what you have. his style and method of recording....
if you really go into detail, he mentions that he used to listen to the pre-recorded tracks so that he could come up with running bass lines for some of the songs...
So ... the next step is .... what are running bass lines... how does he hold the pick, what equipment did he use to record a specific album.....

That's the way you do things.

When I first heard Van Halens's first album... I must have spent 2 years at least, studying how it was recorded, how he played it... what equipment was used.. etc etc... any information I could get.
Same thing goes for any other info I needed.... it was all research... time, commitment...

Like right now... Jon, the owner of the site, wants me to put together 4 lessons in the 'style' of Jimmy Page.
I've never personally studied his playing or spent any time playing Led Zeppelin albums, but for the last weeks I've totallly immersed myself in nothing but Jimmy Page. I downloaded as many songs as I could find... spent the last two weeks doing nothing but playing Jimmy Page songs... found videos etc.. etc...
All for the sole purpose of doing 4 intermediate lessons on playing the guitar in the style of "Jimmy Page".

Yeah, it's a pain in the ass... but then again... it's so much education and so enlightening that it's worth the extra effort.
Normally I'd never listen to Jimmy Page in detail, but because it's been requested I've made a special effort to figure the guy out in detail.
Equipment... personality... studio... mics, amps..... etc etc....

Jon wants a few lessons in the 'style' of Jimmy Page and dammit.... I'm going to give it. Even if it takes me months of work.

So there ya go.... total commitment.
Never do anything half assed... if you want to do it... just do it.
You have the same ten fingers that Van Halen or Paul McCarney has so what makes them so special?? Nothing..
Just the commitment to recording the best performance you can muster.

hey... a whole post typed while drinking sherry and worrying about my friggin telephone conversation tomorrow with BRAD BLACK, from Keswick..... OOOOOH!!!!

# 5

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