Here is a small selection of licks which you can play over any song in Fm. The best tempo for these licks is 110 - 130 bpm. Here you find some good ideas how to skip strings or how to solo wiht big intervalls on one string :
HPCRAZ's licks
# 1
pretty cool man.
# 2
is that you?? if it is, omg youre so good at playing guitar and i wanna learn your "touch technique"
is that you?? if it is, omg youre so good at playing guitar and i wanna learn your "touch technique"
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 3
i agreee with pure
if that is you on the site you rock.
i assume touch technique is ellaborate tappin, how did u develope it from scratch, what gave you the idea etc. why i want to know this is so that i can develope my own techniques and ways of playin
if that is you on the site you rock.
i assume touch technique is ellaborate tappin, how did u develope it from scratch, what gave you the idea etc. why i want to know this is so that i can develope my own techniques and ways of playin
# 4
Originally Posted by: Fret spideri agreee with pure
if that is you on the site you rock.
i assume touch technique is ellaborate tappin, how did u develope it from scratch, what gave you the idea etc. why i want to know this is so that i can develope my own techniques and ways of playin
if thats not him, then we must look really stupid talking about someone else on his thread. but on the web site he said he wanted to play guitar like a piano, and since there are 6 strings, i guess it would be like 6 pianos in a row for you to play on allowing many possibilities.
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 5
It's him guys we're trying to get him to become an nstructor here. He's got a few things to teach that we don't have here yet. Flamenco and this touch technique mostly.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it fasterā - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it fasterā - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 6
It's him guys we're trying to get him to become an nstructor here. He's got a few things to teach that we don't have here yet. Flamenco and this touch technique mostly.
Hi guys,
in fact I am realy thinking about joining here as a instructor. This means that my free lessons on my site soon will charged a small fee to synchronize all things together. Will see, but when I join here you can expect some cool stuff here. :cool:
# 7
# 8
Originally Posted by: hpcrazyHi guys,
in fact I am realy thinking about joining here as a instructor. This means that my free lessons on my site soon will charged a small fee to synchronize all things together. Will see, but when I join here you can expect some cool stuff here. :cool:
Hey that's great man! I can hardly wait. :D
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it fasterā - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it fasterā - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 9
Hey that's great man! I can hardly wait
Well nice to hear, but this is not sure at the moment since I have to be elected as a instructor. But Jon told that this might not be a problem. I don't know I am not familiar to
# 10
i never thought hpcrazy would be an instructor at guitartricks. i never thought i'd even be speaking to him. if he's in, im gonna join just for his touch technique lessons.
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 11
i never thought hpcrazy would be an instructor at guitartricks. i never thought i'd even be speaking to him. if he's in, im gonna join just for his touch technique lessons.
Wow wow I don't konw what kind of instructors you have hear at but I did not expect such reactions. So if you can, vote for me that they take me here as a instructor. :D
# 12
i would but i dont know how or even if i can.
i just ran into your website a while back and i loved your touch technique. but i could never get to your free lessons.
i just ran into your website a while back and i loved your touch technique. but i could never get to your free lessons.
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
# 13
Don't worry. It seems that it will not come true that I will be teaching here. But thank you for your enthusiastic support anyway. Was nice talking to you.
I have changed my system. View
i just ran into your website a while back and i loved your touch technique. but i could never get to your free lessons
I have changed my system. View
# 14
thats terrible i really wanted to learn touch technique. i am already high bandwidth.
and i just found out the free account i signed up to on your site no longer works as i have to pay, at least i got one night out of it. oww well , i wish it could be free but you gotta do what you gotta do.
anyway its s real shame you wont be on guitar tricks you would really be an aset.
thats terrible i really wanted to learn touch technique. i am already high bandwidth.
and i just found out the free account i signed up to on your site no longer works as i have to pay, at least i got one night out of it. oww well , i wish it could be free but you gotta do what you gotta do.
anyway its s real shame you wont be on guitar tricks you would really be an aset.
# 15
and i just found out the free account i signed up to on your site no longer works as i have to pay, at least i got one night out of it. oww well , i wish it could be free but you gotta do what you gotta do.
Sorry it was one of the conditions to join here at guitartricks that I switch of the free service and start to charge a fee for membership. I did that yesturday. Unfortunately I can not go back since already some students have payed for a membership.
anyway its s real shame you wont be on guitar tricks you would really be an aset.
It is a problem that my teaching style based mainly on the teaching videos and the explainations there does not fit into the system here at guitartricks with written explainations and tabs.
1. I don't have much time left to write long explainations.
2. Tabbing for touch technique is a great problem because tabs do not express all of it.
3. I realy don't have enough time now to adapt my system to
Sorry guys.
# 16
but you dont need to do the tabs
many lessons on high bandwidth service are about 4 lines of text and then the video of whoever the guy is playing the guitar and speaking about it. to me this seems pretty much the same as what i saw you do on the site when i had my one day where it was free.
many lessons on high bandwidth service are about 4 lines of text and then the video of whoever the guy is playing the guitar and speaking about it. to me this seems pretty much the same as what i saw you do on the site when i had my one day where it was free.
# 17
Well I thought so as well, but the application process is not very flexible. ;)
I am workingnow on a better application. This is more a matter of honor. :D
I am workingnow on a better application. This is more a matter of honor. :D
# 18
# 19
OK guys I'm in now. Don't know when my lessons will be published but I have created a 7 lesson touch technique tutorial and some other stuff as well.
Updates will follow some time depending on the request or whatever. Still learning how the system works here.
Updates will follow some time depending on the request or whatever. Still learning how the system works here.
# 20