View post (Palm muting several strings while doing a up and down picking)

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Joined: 04/04/00
Posts: 527
08/02/2001 7:21 am
As for tips when palm muting when alternate picking:-
Don't put your picking hand (generally your right...) too far either way on your bridge. If it's too far forward than you cut the notes off too much and produce more of a click than anything, if you put them too far back the string will probably ring out too much.
The technique you're asking about IS very possible, it's exactly how I play "The Four Horsemen" by Metallica. The key really is to start off slowly and LISTEN to what you're playing. Get everything right at a snails pace and then bring it up to speed, (as with everything!!!).
Hope that was some help...Good luck and feel free to ask me about anything I didn't make too clear.
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