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Joined: 12/19/05
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03/22/2006 7:58 pm
Originally Posted by: HammurabiAwesome idea.

You could also offer to tutor her. Tell her you would be glad to teach her how to not suck so bad at giving speeches.

HA! Nice one, Jolly, Hammurabi :)

But seriously, that's the thing - she doesn't suck at all. She's a brilliant speaker. I think she deserved a better mark than me - and everybody else in the class agrees that her speech was awesome. I don't want her to feel hopeless about her HSC chances because I beat her on a fluke for a speech she worked really hard on.

BTW I appreciate the advice, everybody. :)
"It's all folk music... I ain't never heard no horse sing!"
- Attributed variously to Leadbelly and Louis Armstrong

If at first you don't succeed, you are obviously not Chuck Norris.

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