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Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
Joined: 09/07/03
Posts: 5,457
Jolly McJollyson
Chick Magnet
Joined: 09/07/03
Posts: 5,457
03/22/2006 7:18 pm
Originally Posted by: jiujitsu_jesusOkay, prepare for another whiny-to-the-point-of-emo jiujitsu rant, if you have the stomach or the patience :o :o . Sorry, but I just have to let it out. Today, I had a HSC assessment task - it was a speech in Extension English. We had to pick a crime fiction text and use it as a case in point to prove that genres are adapted to suit different times and cultures, yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, I did a hopeless job - my speech was poorly-written and rambling, and when I got up to present, I hardly made eye contact at all. What's more, I didn't even finish the speech - I ran out of time before I got to discussing the evidence of genre adaption in the plot's main case. I expected - and deserved - to fail, but everybody in the class seemed to think it was great. So did the teacher, who gave me 9/10. I feel like a bastard, because out of all the speeches I saw, mine was by far the worst, and I got the highest mark in the class. I know for a fact that I did less work on mine than anybody else. Also, there's this girl in my class who was away when we got our marks back - her speech was far better than mine, and she got a lower mark than me. The thing is, she doesn't really like me, and she gets really pissed off when I beat her - she's going to feel like dirt when she finds out I beat her in the first ENX HSC task... I can't bear to face her tomorrow.
So, you know what's coming now. Advice, anyone?

Yeah, ask that chick out.
I want the bomb
I want the P-funk!

My band is better than yours...