Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight these two fine guitars will duke it out for you audio entertainment !
In the BLUE corner, the Line 6 Variax 700 HT set to..'59 Strat, Bridge and Middle PU.
In the RED corner, a Fender '89 California Strat (The Quack-ocaster) also set to Bridge and Middle PU.
Vote for.... not which one sounds the best.... but for which axe was made by Fender !!!
Please remember, no ebows or knees to the head and I will post the results in 7 days !
For those interested both were recorded using an Avalon vt737sp with identical gain-staging, compression and EQ running into a MOTU 828 mk ii into a G5 running Logic Pro 7.1 @ 24/44.1
Next week.... Schizophrenia ! The battle for the real Les Paul !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS