but i also would like a piezo pickup, currently i cannot find a bridge/tremelo that offers both the trans trem and a piezo on the official steinberg website. i did find one that ed roman offers but from what i have read about i dont want him anywhere near my money. speaking of ed roman, a few days ago i thought he must be some guitar making god from all the information on his site, although he did seem to slag everyone off, but after some of the reviews ive heard i begin to dought that anythin he sed on his site is true. so do deep set necks work (sort of a cross between a thru neck and a set neck) or direct coupling, or is it all bollocks to get our money.
anyway back to the trans trem steinberg issue, personnelly i dont like the way most of his models look, i dont really like the fact hes cut the headstock off (for asthetic purposes), and the body shapes are either too small or a bit fat round the bottom. but i also know if u dont use a steinberger guitar it sort off screws up the trans trem. any ideas? and also i cant seem to find any to play in the guitar shops near me to see if i really like their sound. does anyone know?
lastly i live in england and i have been thinking of gettin a custom guitar, does anyone know anyone good? preferably in london or manchester.
any help with the above questions would be well appreciated.