Floyd rose locking trems

I am going to buy a jackson with a floyd rose trem locking system, but was told recently that if you change the strings to a higher gauge (eg 9s to 42s to something like 11s to 52s) it can lead to the trem system needing to be re-setup, is this true? and surely, if it is, seeing as its a jackson, which are used by many metal guitarists, who often use thicker gauges, this wont be the case??
# 1
yep, you will need to adjust the springs in the back which control the tension keeping the bridge in place. You may also need to tweak the intonation which is easy.
Neither are big jobs and the worst that will happen is that you bust a string.
Neither are big jobs and the worst that will happen is that you bust a string.
My instructors page and www.studiotrax.net for all things recording.
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 2

this is very true. if you use thicker gauge strings the bridge will rise if you use thinner gauge strings the bridge will go lower. its verry easy to fix though. here is a good site that will show you how to do it. LOOK FOR THE HEADINGS "RESETTING THE UNIT" AND ""SCREWING THE SPRINGS"
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