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Joined: 08/19/05
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Registered User
Joined: 08/19/05
Posts: 785
03/18/2006 3:09 pm
Pony, I dont care who you are or what scientists youre reading from, DNA does not arise in a primordial soup. Period. It took us like 20 years to even figure out what a strand of DNA was, let alone something that complex just randomly forming in nature.

I thought Evolution was based on observations. Apparently not being that DNA has never been observed to form in nature, Abiogenisis has never occured, and a billion other assumptions this ridiculousl theory is based on. Thats where it hits a brick wall.

I still disagree with you on the Thermodynamic Laws. Though the Earth is not a closed system, sunlight would do more harm than good in the case of generating life. There has never been a case where a life has become more complex, yet this is what the theory is proposing. Another assumption, if that can even be considered an assumption, that this theory is based on.

We're not gonna see eye to eye on that one, so we midas well agree to disagree.

Anyways Pony, Ill let this go if you will. Its been fun and Ive learned quite a bit from this.

PS-6strngs, thanks for your sympathy. I know when I get into these things that Im a minority in my beliefs, but its still fun, especially on this site where people dont call you stupid or wrong for your beliefs.
Dont shoot yourself in the head.