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earthman buck
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earthman buck
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Joined: 10/15/05
Posts: 2,953
03/12/2006 5:14 am
Originally Posted by: stacknyOk, heres our 2 options. All humanity sprung from 2 human beings, reproduced, and their offspring reproduced or everything started from a primordial soup where single celled organisms formed and evolved, defied the laws of physics, and encoutered the most coincidal conditions ever to occur in nature. Now, you pick which one would actually make more sense. Theres a reason that they cant find a legitimate explaination for a scientific way life formed---because it didnt happen scientifically.

Theres good explaination in why humans could live for such long periods of time. The pre-flood atmosphere was different with higher levels of oxygen and more abundant nutrients and such, but I wont bore you with the description of the canopy theory that this is based on.

Youre right, God has given us the freedom of choice. He gives us the gift of life and the freedom to do things as we want. I dont believe my every action is controlled by God, and Im proud of myself when I work hard and do something on my own. I thank him for the ability to be able to do it, but its still result of my hard work and discipline.

Come on, man! Ninja put that in a perfectly beautiful, everyone-can-be-happy sort of way. He didn't say that's the way it is, he said that's what he believes. Can't you let it die? Please???