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zoran the dark
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Joined: 11/10/05
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zoran the dark
Registered User
Joined: 11/10/05
Posts: 119
03/06/2006 10:56 am
Originally Posted by: SuperhumanOK, I hate posting a link to a track when it is not even fully recorded (let alone mixed). BUT, I would love a bit of feedback on my latest piece. There are two major lead sections missing, the first is obvious - the second half of the first shred solo. The second is a full one minute solo (missing from the middle section - where the riffs repeats a few times). Anyway, I was wondering... do you think the solo break in the middle should be a level above all of the other playing in terms of speed, melody and technique etc OR should it be a little bit more sedate? I was thinking of taking it to the extreme myself...

ALSO! I used an Ebow for the airy sound below the syncopated arpeggio riff. Never used one before but it was cool! Does this work musicaly? Or should I scrap that idea and come up with something midi generated for the backing?

I know the sound is crap at the moment, but I will be tweaking the mix to get it more along the lines of "Beyond Our Universe" (track in my sig file). All the guitars will be run through an Eventide Eclipse which changes everything, and the drums need to be 100% EQ'd. So bear with me. Just looking for some feedback and pointers in this early phase of recording.

Here it is

I have some shred work to, do you know how I can put it in this forum?