What makes you play the guitar?

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07/20/2001 12:56 pm
Interesting questions and never thought of it...

The first time I learn to play guitar since 12yrs old, take it as, something like, Ahhhh.... what the heck... play guitar, everyone plays the guitar... I take it as a hobby. At that time, I understand what music is... it is all just about tune. But after a few years, OK, to express yourself or maybe for the guys... don't deny like me... during youth, OK, to impress some girls... but what the heck. Some people can play guitar even better than me, and they can impress more people even girls... hekekeke. (Don't laugh) OK, suddenly, find out, it is not just that, it is about to show who you are, what you can do other than become a boring person witout any artistic talent. This is the beautiful sight of guitarist, they tend to look normal people, but they are not in the sense of talent. OK, during my youth, I know how to play the drum, the keyboard, bass and trumpet. Even now, i still can play them well but not really pro. Only the guitar. Heck!!! Everyone wants to be the best... DON'T DENY!!!
Realize, it came from da' blood, almost everyone in my family can play musical instrument and even sing. I am not good in singing though. father plays blues stuff, one uncle plays hardrock and satriani stuff with a local band weekend in a pub. One uncle is a good jazz player, and my auntie'S are all able to play guitar without going to music school. I don't believe background that influences you to be a guitar player. It is all in you own blood. Hmmm... because music is everywhere. That is what influences you. Once my father reminds me of this quote all the time. To learn and play the guitar is easy for everyone, but it is hard to master it. So, don't think if you know all the chords, i mean ALL, it does not mean you have mastered guitar. It means you have to go to the next stage and learn new stuff. there is no exact definitions of guitar master. If someone tend to about to finish the level of all guitar skills, tricks, someone else will find something new. That is it. This is a good reminder for all guitar player. Oh, maybe it is not usefull for those who are aleady good in guitar scene.

*Aliens Understand Music*
# 1
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08/09/2001 4:06 am
kurt cobain inspires me to play, he influenced me. he made it clear to every one that he would "burnout then fade away" and that to me is an indivedual and shows love for music.but he died for what he belived.i mean he had real talent.

kurt for life
:) ;) :( :D

[Edited by missy_chick_420 on 08-09-2001 at 09:24 PM]
# 2
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08/09/2001 11:26 pm
Well like most things, habbits, hobbies, obsessions I have become entangled with they all generally start with the same idea. I have nothing better to do. I figure, "What the hell I can't just sit in my ass all the time and what is the harm of trying?" Yeah sometimes those words are a double-edged sword (bad habbits, smoking......otherstuffs....) But anyway this consistent thought has also sparked to life my desire to learn the guitar. Then when i felt that i LEARNED it, i started to enjoy it. In fact, I love it. I wouldn't call myself a fanatic but all I'm saying is that it has always given me something to do and has never let me down and I can always rely upon it knowing that everyday I can discover new things all from the chair in the corner of my room.
# 3
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08/10/2001 8:07 pm
i think MajinMojo said it best. i play the guitar for aroun 2-3hours a night and i love it. whatever i am doing i have a guitar next to me. i have ofter asked myself "where would i be now without my guitar". as i am 15 i could be doing anything right now but no. in my opinion the guitar is a great saviour to me as it has also helped in my school-work and the ability to xpres myself. the money isn't bad too....

Tandem Felix
# 4
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08/10/2001 10:18 pm
I'm glad there are people who like nirvana... but why has Kurt been made a martar. HE'd didn't kill himself cos it was gonna imortalize his music, unless maybe the fact that he was a herion addict (some will say he walked out of rehab clean a short while before he died, but they'll forget he was out of his head on the stuff when he shot himself), had undiagnosable stomach pains, and came from a town which had a ski high suicide rate (which makes you think that there was some genetic factor involved with their depression) and a child hood spent passing between two parent was all a coinsedence...

Kurt wasn't a very good player, but like some of the greats he was a great song writer (and had some impressive tricks with feedback...he was only second to the guy from sonic youth when it came to feed back)...
(please take no offence of this)

# 5
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08/11/2001 12:27 am
Originally posted by Led Zeppelin

Am I the only one that says the 3rd album was there best.

Probably, :rolleyes:.

Kurt wasn't a very good player, but like some of the greats he was a great song writer (and had some impressive tricks with feedback...he was only second to the guy from sonic youth when it came to feed back)...
(please take no offence of this)

I know a lot of people can easily say that Kurt Cobain wasn't a very good guitar player, without thinking twice. But for someone who thinks like that, they are just merely focusing on the negative aspects, and their immediate reaction. Technically, Kurt wasn't all there, face it, we're not all blessed with the strong capacity to match up to steve Vai but Kurt Cobain was a solid guitar player. I hope that as the years ptrogress people will rekmember all of the great things that Kurt Cobain brought to the music industry, and honesty played a major factor. Anyone who has truly seen Nirvana (live at their best) would definitely think twice before undermining Kurt's ability as a guitarist...


"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 6
Led Zeppelin
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Led Zeppelin
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08/11/2001 9:56 pm
The kurt Cobain thing is the same argument as the Oasis/Travis argument except Kurt is looked at differnt because hes dead
# 7
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08/13/2001 1:26 am
What is this about Kurt Cobain? OK, accept this, he is not a great gutarist, but he is one of the great expressionist among other song writers. When talking about expression through guitar or great guitar solo, it is not his area and he is left far behind. This is the area for guitar solo such as Satriani, Vai, Eric Johnson, Malmsteem and blah blah blah. So, it is not logic to say he is a great guitarist but it is logic to say he is good in guitar and he is a great song writer or composer. His tune of his lyrics are also unique. Just listen to his chords progression and tune of his lyrics, you will realize he is a good song writer. Feedback? Weird guitar sound? OK he may have done this, but all of the scales are... god damn it... boring... even people who have just learn the guitar for just one day could have learn this solo. So, face this again, if you understand the nature of his state of mind, he doesn't care his solo in his songs, and all he cares about is his expression through music lyrics and chords progression but still does not left alone the solo. But he has the same nature with other great guitarist, they are all unique and they are truly musician which can produce their own music and styles.

[Edited by emmanuel79 on 08-12-2001 at 09:42 PM]
*Aliens Understand Music*
# 8
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10/25/2001 1:55 am
I play the guitar because I love rock, and i guess its because my dad use to be in a band a long time ago when i was a little girl. I think the guitar sounds very cool, and is fun to play, but it also takes a lot of practice, hard work, and determination!
Nikki Byers :)-
# 9
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10/26/2001 4:57 pm
I play guitar because I´m bored ;)
# 10

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10/27/2001 3:53 am

I started like a lot of people, cus a lot of my friends played it. But I found something addictive in it`s sound.

I`m not looking for pity (been there, done that) but I wasn`t in the cool crowd in school and got laught at on a daily basis. When I played my guitar, it`s conforting sound helped me ease the pain and gave me the courage I needed to face yet another day. I`ll be totally franc with you all, I also loved shredding the %?&$ out of their faces by playing a kick%?& solo. Revenge is a dish better serve with music!

Now life is great, I couldn`t ask for more. Well, maybe a better sweeping technique but that`s for another thread.

If there are 13-16 years old girls and guys who are going through a lot right now, keep playing that guitar. Let it speaks for you, it`s the best advise I can give you all.

# 11
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10/27/2001 6:43 pm
Why i play guitar by Mark Toman

I play guitar beacause i love it plus,
with the guitar you never stop learning.
The thing i like about the guitar with,
the guitar, you never stop being a beginner,
because there's no such thing as a advanced,
You could play all your life no matter what style,
you play and still not know everything.
Know body or anybody in the world that,
plays the guitar knows everything and never will.
The guitar is a endless learning tool.......
But you have to love it for it to be good to you.
I also love to play it, so i can express my soulful feelings,with-in my heart by playing it.

P:S I will alwasy be learning something new by playing,
the guitar and thats whats great about it.
It would be very boring if you new everything!
I like all music it would be really boring,
to only know one style of music.

[Edited by skee1 on 10-27-2001 at 02:49 PM]
yours truly Mark Toman
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04/02/2005 3:49 am
I agree 100% with PonyOne with the Cobain thing, its ignorant and insane to consider him dying for his music. And to tell you the truth he wasnt going to die for his music. Courtney Love was obsessed with his publicity and wanted part of it. And some more "food for thought" he had 1.56 mg of heroin INJECTED, now if you know anything about drugs, A. thats a an insane amount even for a huge addict. and B. if he had injected it straight to his vein it would incompacitate him immediatley because the blood is pumping it straight to the heart so he could not have shot himself. But anyways, ive never considered Cobain to be a guitar god or anything close to it but i love him and Nirvana because although there songs are simple they were one of a kind, all there own. Besides kurts ability to create such awesome lyrics was a reason in itself to make him have his place in music even today.
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# 13
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04/02/2005 3:57 am
Wow,this is an old thread...

how bout this...would cobain be nearly as respected or regarded so greatly if the music never got air time and minimal publicity?
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# 14
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04/02/2005 5:03 am
Originally Posted by: Bobby HoganWhat is it about the guitar that drives you to play it and the type of music that you like to play?

it's just in me. can't deny it, you know? true love.
okay...my post is done...goodbye.
# 15
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04/04/2005 5:48 am
I play for the self expression. I was writing a lot, lyrics or what not, and wanted to make songs. Guitar seemed like a good instrument that I could play while I sing, or try to.
1 Peter 2:16
# 16
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04/04/2005 7:12 am
I play guitar to earn a living. Being a working musician provides me with a comfortable lifestyle and the opportunity to do what I enjoy!
# 17
Gareth Gravell
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04/04/2005 8:44 am
Listening to my no 1 guitar hero Eric Clapton. He makes it sound so easy. His guitar is almost an extension to himself. I've tried to learn Eric's licks by sitting down and copying. This is futile. You need to listen and be influenced and develop your own style. Guitars are things that relieve stress for me. Nothing better than after a hard day's grind, being slagged off by all to come home to my Taylor lying patiently in the case and waiting to be strummed. Happy playing to yall.
# 18
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04/04/2005 8:47 am
I started playing because I thought it would take away the pain of being single :p and when you're really down it picks you back up... Also more productive than video games

Originally Posted by: TelebenderI play guitar to earn a living. Being a working musician provides me with a comfortable lifestyle and the opportunity to do what I enjoy!

That's cool, do you have a website w/some mp3's or anything? Also, what do you play?
# 19
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04/04/2005 10:27 am
I wouldn't have anything to claim or feel good about if I couldn't play guitar...I actually wonder sometimes how people can enjoy life without musical instruments and music that appeals to a inclined ear.Its such a large part of my life and what makes me happy that I don't know how I could live without it...

Even if down the road if I simply play clubs hear n' there,I would be very content.
Try once,fail twice...
# 20

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