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Captain Crunch
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Joined: 07/16/01
Posts: 27
Captain Crunch
New Member
Joined: 07/16/01
Posts: 27
07/19/2001 10:31 pm
I play guitar pretty much religiously. Call it sad, or call it admirable. But for me (middle class, regular guy, never fancy) Guitar is Life and Life is Guitar. It may sound cheezy but my guitar is my existence I know nothing else and at timez when no one else is there my six string is always there for me.I play heavvy metal if you couldnt tell by my name, and playing Metallica and other Metal make life have a purpose.And while i play it for a short time life makes sense. Some may find me completely obsessive but others who have their heart in this as much as i do will feel my words.Good Luck to All Guitarists out there and may you find happiness in music.Amen and Halleluah.