View post (What makes you play the guitar?)

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Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
Joined: 07/11/00
Posts: 581
06/26/2001 1:02 am
Originally posted by Bobby Hogan
What is it about the guitar that drives you to play it and the type of music that you like to play?

You know, this is the question that we ask ourselves everyday, ands why we continiously try to find new way to be creative on this instrument. There are a lot of days, (through turmoil that we've suffered with friends, ex's) we just don't even want to look at a guitar, but if you're a true musician, where you just have the fire inside of you, its almost impossible to stay away. I love learning new things, whether it comes to music, or pertaining to different people that Ive let into my lives. I would have to say that Jimmy Page has been my primary influence over the past several years, and from listening to my favorite Led Zeppelin records over and over again, it reminds me why I picked up this instrument to begin with. And that was to learn from the master, and create my own untouchable style. But still, we create new reasons to stay motivated everyday with this instrument. Despite the fact that there isn't a wjhole lot to say in the music industry today, the artists from the past will never die, and I'm still learning from these amazing artists after all of these years...

I started on the panio, but wiyth the guitar there are just so many endless possibilities, and thats why Ive stuck with it...

"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."