The Beatles, they were the master of telling stories about the past, the future, and love. I think one of the main reasons that so many people were able to relate to this band is because with almost every word they spoke they were down to earth, where we feel like they're speaking our language. We all have these wonderful relationships in our lives, and then again we tend to get stuck in those rather tumultuous situations as well, but from listening to our favorite songs, from listening to how others have dealt with lifes problems, naturally we tend to get a better idea of how things work for us. Just one sentence from our favorite songs tends to give us a better perspective on life, which all depends on how the musician expresses himself. With todays music scene, there aren't many surprises when it comes to a lot of the songs. A lot of the topics are very safe, and it doesn't seem as if most musicians are dealing with life from all angles.
I miss a variety when it comes to songwriting, a variety in content, and it really hard to find that nowadays. Personally, its the mystery in between the lines of songs that has always inspired me, because as a musician myself, I know that it not always easy to express how you feel for the better of your compositions. But as long as you understand where you're coming from, thats all that really matters. And somewhere out there, theres always someone who speaks your language, and if you're lucky to find thast person, it opens up a whole new level of communication. Through music our communcation level can be beautiful, .
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."